Where do scientists hope for life?🤔

Scientists are of the view that life could exist on Earth-like planets.

They also believe now that life may be able to start in many places where there is water.
One of the most likely places in the Solar System where life can exist is Jupiter's moon, Europa.

Europa (Moon)
Europa's trailing hemisphere in approximate natural colour.
 Imaged on 7 September 1996 by Galileo spacecraft.

Europa is one of the smoothest bodies, in the Solar System.
Europa has a mostly flat surface with nothing exceeding 1 km, in height. 
The surface of Europa is also very bright about 5 times brighter than our Moon. 
Its surface is made up of ice. 
Scientists believe there may be a huge ocean of liquid water, underneath the frozen surface.
The water remains in liquid form, by the heat generated through the gravitational stress, due to Europa's close orbit to Jupiter.
Such an ocean could provide a home for living things.

Credit.: NASA

The surface layer of ice is 80-160 km deep.
It also has very thin atmosphere.
Its surface-features include, shallow cracks, valleys, ridges, pits, and blisters, which do not extend more than a few hundred yards, upwards or downwards.
The four largest moons of Jupiter, Lo, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto were discovered by Galileo Galilei, in 1610.

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