When were the rings of Saturn first observed?🤔


The rings of Saturn are one of the wonders of the Solar System. 

In the year 1610, Galileo observed something strange about Saturn.

But, his telescope was weak and he thought Saturn, was a triple planet. 

Finally, in 1655, Christian Huygens confirmed the existance of the now familiar rings of Saturn.

NASA's Voyager 1 and 2 missions imaged the ring-system extensively, in 1980 and discoveries.

The rings have been given letter names in the order, of their discoveries. 

The main rings are working outwards the planet, known as C, B, and A.(Named after Jean-Domenique Cassini, Who discovered the gap in 1676).

Over 10,000 separate rings have been identified. 

The rings look solid but, they are made up of millions of chunks of ice and rocks arranged in bands of different densities.

Scientists believe that these may be the remains of a shattered moon or comet.

The rings measure about, 270,000 km across but, are just 100m to 1km thick.


In addition to its rings, Saturn has 25 satellites.

The largest of saturn's satellites Titan, has a diameter of about, 3,200 miles (5,150 kilometres) larger than planets Mercury and Pluto.

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